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What Will You Learn?

    • To familiarize participants with SPSS software for Quantitative data analysis.
    • It will present how descriptive analysis can be conducted with SPSS and discuss how to interpret quantitative data to achieve the research objective. 
    • It will show how to do reliability test and present the graphical presentation of quantitative results.
Scopus Paper Writing Service | SCIE, SSCI | Quvae

Our Speaker

Scopus Paper Writing Service | SCIE, SSCI | Quvae

Dr. Prodhan Mahbub Ibna Seraj

Dr. Prodhan Mahbub Ibna Seraj has been working as an Associate Professor at the Department of English, American International University Bangladesh (AIUB). Currently, he is one of the thesis examiners at the Department of English of Bharatiar University, India, and Bharathidasan University, India, and also a visiting researcher at INTI International University, Malaysia, and Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia. He completed his Ph.D. in TESL at the Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), and M. A in Applied Linguistics & ELT from the University of Dhaka. He has achieved the BEST POSTGRADUATE STUDENT AWARD (Ph.D. program) at the 66th UTM Convocation for his outstanding research work. He is particularly interested in how technology could assist English Language Teaching (ELT). He published 57 research works like articles, conference papers, and book chapters in prestigious national and international peer-reviewed journals, including Scopus and Web of Science indexed. He has reviewed 242 manuscripts from 53 different international journals, mostly indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. He is a member of the editorial board of 14 Scopus and Web of Science-indexed journals.

To know more about the webinar:

Ms. Sneha

  • Scopus Paper Writing Service | SCIE, SSCI | Quvae
  • Scopus Paper Writing Service | SCIE, SSCI | Quvae
Scopus Paper Writing Service | SCIE, SSCI | Quvae

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